Trakshu Sharma

I am interested in non-perturbative Conformal Field Theories and Conformal Bootstrap techniques (both numerical and analytical), where I am interested in understanding the solution space of the Crossing Equation, which is the expression of the associativity of the local operator algebra, preferably without the use of small coupling constant.
Email : trakshusharma"at"
Vineeth Krishna Talasila

AdS/CFT Correspondence, Entanglement entropy and Black Holes
Email : vineeth"at"
Akashdeep Roy

My interests run through de Sitter holography, black holes and JT gravity. I am currently working in dS / CFT correspondence.
No Publications
Email : akashdeep.roy"at"
Nikhil Tanwar

Understanding Bose-Fermi duality in matter Chern-Simons theory, AdS/CFT correspondence.
Email : nikhil.tanwar"at"